«The place isn't beautiful, but it's special.» Say Sabine and Volker from east westphalia. «We've always wanted to go to Kiel canal and then we discovered the place on the internet. Watching water and ships - that's just brilliant. Even on Christmas Eve.» In the evening they will have german «Kartoffelsalat» with sausages according to grandmother's recipe. And later a friend from Kiel comes to visit: «We haven't seen each other for 15 years.«
After a TV report about the pitch at the canal Gabi and Frank wanted to check it out themselves. «It’s not really a spot for a long holiday – more of a pit stop. But the view is marvellous», they say, just before digging into some Sauerbraten with red cabbage and dumplings. Perfect for the festive vibe. «And honestly: at this time of year, gravel beats grass any day – it’s practical and no mess.» Hamburg, Büsum, Kiel, Emden - they’ve got a lovely road trip planned.
Spending Christmas in their motorhome might just turn into a tradition for Dörte and Volker from Schleswig-Holstein. They’ve recently made the camper their new home and are gearing up for a Europe-wide adventure - with no return ticket in sight. On Christmas Eve, their daughter’s popping by for dinner. But why park by the Kiel Canal? We already know the answer :)
«Sure, there are way prettier spots, but hey, the view here is amazing.»